Attachment plug with replaceable gas discharge tube for coaxial signal interfaces
Connection: N connector female/female. The MBG S-PRO set includes a surge voltage protector (Phoenix CN-UB-280DC-BB) and a mounting bracket.
Key Features
Years of warranty: 2 RoHS compliant
Surge Voltage Protector for coaxial Lines
Easy mounting
Replaceable, gas-filled arrester
For outdoor installations
The GPS antenna combines a planar antenna and a frequency converter, which translates the high-frequency phase-modulated spread spectrum signal of the GPS system to an intermediate frequency. This way a standard coaxial cable (e.g. RG58) can be used for the connection with the GPS clock and a distance of up to 300 meters (with RG58) or even 700 meters (with a low-loss cable type like RG213) between receiver and antenna is possible without additional amplifier.
Antenna Switch Unit for all Meinberg's GPS, GPS/GLONASS L1 and LF Antennas.
The switching unit AMX21/HS is designed for mounting on a DIN rail. The front panel integrates two switches, three LED indicators and three SMA connectors. The integrated power supply is available as an AC (AMX21DAHS) and a DC variant (AMX21DHS).
The antenna/converter units are connected to the switching unit by a 50 Ohm coaxial cable. The output of the switching unit - the chosen antenna signal - is connected to the receiver in the same way. It is possible to connect up to four receivers to one antenna by using an optional antenna diplexer.