DOAL: DCF77 Optical Antenna Link

DOAL: DCF77 Optical Antenna Link

DCF77 Optical Antenna Link

DCF77 Optical Antenna Link
The Meinberg DOAL is a DCF77 Optical Antenna Link used to connect a Meinberg DCF77 antenna to a Meinberg DCF77 receiver using a single optical multimode fiber.


Product Description

The DOAL/A module mounts indoors, and connects to a Meinberg DCF antenna (AI01, AW02 or AK03) with a short coaxial cable. The DOAL/R module connects to the receiver’s antenna input either directly or with a patch cable. Both modules are linked to each other by a single GI50/125μm or GI62.5/125μm multimode gradient fiber. This Fiber Optic connection provides several advantages:

The DOAL system is suitable for all Meinberg DCF receivers, and can be retrofit to existing Meinberg DCF77 systems. The DOAL/A antenna module requires an external power supply to operate the DCF77 antenna. The DOAL/R receiver module is powered by the DCF receiver and does not require an external power supply.

Additional information

Key Features

Key Features
Years of warranty: 3 RoHS compliant
large antenna cable distances (up to 2000mtrs.)
no destructive overvoltage via the antenna cable
no unintentional monitoring possible via optical fiber


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