GOAL: GPS Optical Antenna Link – Multi Mode

GOAL: GPS Optical Antenna Link – Multi Mode

GPS Optical Antenna Link – Multi Mode

GPS Optical Antenna Link
The Meinberg GPS Optical Antenna Link provides a long-distance connection between a Meinberg GPS antenna and a Meinberg GPS receiver using a GI50/125µm or GI62.5/125µm multimode optical fiber.


Product Description

The module GOAL/R is to connect to the receivers antenna input via a patch cable and can be assembled somewhere around. The module GOAL/A is to mount indoor, connected to the Meinberg antenna via a coaxial cable. Both modules are linked to each other via a single GI50/125μm or GI62,5/125μm multimode gradient fiber.

The receiver-side module GOAL/R is supplied with power via the antenna input connector of the GPS receiver, therefore no external power supply is necessary. The module GOAL/A needs an external supply for operating and feeding the GPS antenna. Whenever the antenna is not connected, or a short circuit occurs on the antenna cable, this is shown by a status LED in the front panel. A second status LED shows that the 10MHz reference clock, coming from the GOAL/R, is received within a sufficient signal strength and therefore the FO link is working.

The GOAL system is suitable for all Meinberg GPS receivers (except GPS166!), also for the later extension of existing systems. When using the GOAL system together with the GPS signal converter GPSGEN1575 it is to be noted that operation of connected GPS receivers from third-party manufacturers can not be guaranteed!

Additional information

Key Features

Key Features
Years of warranty: 3 RoHS compliant
large antenna cable distances (up to 2000mtrs. using a continuous FO cable )
no destructive overvoltage via the antenna cable
no unintentional monitoring possible via optical fiber



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