TCR511: IRIG Time Code Receiver 

TCR511: IRIG Time Code Receiver 

The TCR511 is synchronized by modulated (DC Level Shift) and unmodulated (AM) IRIG and AFNOR time code signals and can be integrated in industrial systems that require high-accurate time and/or frequency synchronization.



Product Description

The TCR511 has been optimized for reception of IRIG code formats A133 and B123, as well as the translation of these received IRIG codes into a serial telegram and a pulse telegram (representing the signal broadcasted by the German time code transmitter DCF77). The TCR511 can perform a re-calculation of UTC based on the IRIG time. A buffered real time clock maintains time and date while the power supply is not available. The receiver’s automatic gain control function (AGC) allows the reception of IRIG signals within an amplitude range from 600mV to 8V (peak to peak). The board uses a flash memory and a bootstrap loader which allows to update the systems firmware via its serial port.

Additional information

Key Features

Key Features
Years of warranty: 3 RoHS compliant
2 RS232 interfaces
Status LED
Reception of time code formats IRIG-A/B or AFNOR NFS 87-500


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