Key Features
Years of warranty: 3 RoHS compliant
RS232 interface
Meinberg GPS Antenna/Converter Unit connected with up to 300m of standard coaxial cable RG58
DC-insulated antenna circuit
Remote control and monitoring with included PC-software (COM0)
Aluminium profile case for 35mm DIN mounting rail
Flash-EPROM with bootstrap loader
The ready-to-operate systems GPS-MQ/F4/MP (GPS-MQ/LCD/F4/MP) and GPS/MP (GPS/LCD/MP)
Our satellite receiver clock provides extremly precise time as well as pulses and frequency outputs. The clock has been developed for applications where conventional radio controlled clocks cannot meet the increasing requirements in precision and reliability.
High precision available 24/7 around the world is the main feature of this high-quality system which receives its information from the satellites of the Global Positioning System.